Our idiot owner talks again

Despite the club employing PR companies galore so that we can’t approach the Internet without some new exciting and generally unintelligible quote from KR or club initiative, our idiot owner is at it again, see


Katrien has wisely decided not to say anything at all for the last few months because every time she does it’s embarrassing.

Fresh from the revelation that Roland decided to explain what 4-4-2 and the diamond formation was to England international,Chris Powell, he also tells us that Chris didn’t recognise how good Anil, Illiam, Pieter, Loic, Astrid, Reza, Christophe and all those other useless tossers were.

I sat with my friends yesterday and my friend commented as we looked over the vast empty Valley spaces that the CARD boycott has been a disaster for the club. It is very difficult to be a Charlton fan at the moment and it is so sad that so many fans have given up but when you listen to our idiot owner, you are reminded why.

It is nice to get a Christmas card from the club, “Our family to your family” – well that’s lovely and I know who my family is I’ve no idea who is in your family ?  We all used to be part of the same family but we aren’t any more .

4 thoughts on “Our idiot owner talks again

  1. I have to fully agree…..the stadium looks bare….real support has been decimated and this affects the atmosphere….no pre match ‘entertainment’…..poor team performance and the club must be losing revenue hand over fist.
    On Saturday we were outplayed, the visiting fans were very loud and sang/chanted and motivated their players to a well deserved win.
    NOW is the time for Karl to try and improve the team performance, win the fans back and hopefully challenge for the play-offs……I fear a long season ahead.
    I noticed the players using a mobile Cryogenic chamber after the match or was it Dr Frankenstein’s laboratory ???

  2. I received a card on Saturday from the club addressed to my family, as I am now the only one left alive from my immediate family, I thought the clubs gesture pretty crass, and hurtful.

    • Yes very unfortunate indeed and am very sorry to hear this. Yes well luckily I have 2 Families if you see what I mean, one in Canada, my sister’s and one in Thailand one being my wife and grandchildren, but children in our eyes and we treat them as such (Very much the Thai way)
      I did have another Family namely Charlton Athletic, but like so many others it has been utterly destroyed in the last 3 years in particular and well also since our demise from the Prem. to a lesser extent.
      And now the Owner going on live Belguim TV calling us all stupid!!!
      Yes, even in our Prem. days supporters had very strong differences of opinion, but now the Owners seem to have made the supporters even more hostile to each other,. Correct me if I m wrong and certain media people are also to blame also, but not all of them.

  3. I don’t think it is the CARD Protests that have been a disaster for the club but the ownership that meant that CARD had to be formed in the first place

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